What is a MAP (Multi-Animator Project)?

A MAP (multi-animator project) is a collaborative project made up of animations each done by different creators. Typically, they are set to music or audio clips from a specific media.

This specific MAP will revolve around Dimension 20's Fantasy High (both Freshman and Sophomore year), and even more specifically, about our six intrepid heroes: the Bad Kids! We've selected the song "It's Alright" by Mother Mother for the MAP.

Animators will create 2-5 second animations for the song, after we give out assignments, and when those are completed, editors will work together to piece them together cohesively. You can sign up as either an animator or an editor for this project, or if you want, you can do both!

When all of this is done, we'll have one music video featuring the Bad Kids, created by you!

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1. Animators must complete their assigned section - as in, you must fill up the time you are assigned. Your animation does not have to look perfectly polished, but please keep in mind that each animation must fit tightly with each other, so be sure to fill the time you are assigned.

2. Please do not create any NSFW content for this project. Depictions of in-canon violence is okay, but please stray away from sexual themes or situations, or anything else that might seem inappropriate. If you have questions, please feel free to ask the mods.

3. No homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. We will not tolerate any hate speech of any kind.

4. Any interpretations or headcanons of the characters in FH are fine, but we will not tolerate whitewashing. Do not attack anyone for how they want to depict the characters.

5. Animations can be in black and white or in color, depending on what the animator prefers or has time to do. Referring back to rule 1, just remember to turn in a complete project for the final deadline.

6. Anyone can join this project, regardless of how little experience in animation they might have. We are just aiming to have a fun community project within our fandom, please don't feel pressured to make something too out of your comfort zone!

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Q: What if I know I can't finish, and I need to drop out?
A: If this happens, please contact a mod ASAP so we can work something out. We would really prefer if you didn't drop out unless you really need to, so please make sure you can commit before signing up.

Q: What happens if I don't finish my section?
A: Unfortunately, that means we will probably need to have someone else fill in that gap you didn't complete, which may push our project timeline depending on what happens. If you feel you won't be able to finish your section, please contact a mod before the final deadline and we can figure something out.

Q: I don't know how to animate, but I really want to participate!
A: That's totally okay! We'll have a community Discord so you can ask for assistance from any of our animators or our mods. We're happy to help you figure things out, or just give guidelines. If your section turns out more animatic-like rather than an actual animation, that's okay too!

Q: I don't know how to animate, but I really want to participate, and I don't want to draw!
A: Also totally okay! If you have any editing experience, you can sign up as an editor as well!

Q: What will a check-in look like?
A: The mod team will create a form for each check-in and each participant must fill it out when the time comes. If anyone forgets or misses the form, the mods will contact them individually via email or Discord.

Q: Is there a preferred export size/video size?
A: Yes, we will have a uniform export and video render set for ease of access for our editors. It will likely be 1920x1080, exporting as an mp4.

Q: What timezone will deadlines be in?
A: All deadlines will be in PST. Check-ins and such should be completed by midnight PST of that day.

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Project Timeline

Sign Ups: July 31st - Aug 11th
Animators and editors will sign up to be a part of the MAP.

Sign ups close: Aug 11th
Mods will contact everyone who signed up and have them join the community Discord server.

Assignments go to animators: Aug 15th
Mods will let each animator know what their assigned part for the MAP is.

Check-in 1: Sept 1
Mods will post a form for check-in. By now, animators should have a rough storyboard or an idea of what they want to do.

Check-in 2: Sept 26
Mods will post a form for check-in. By now, animators should have rough lines, animation, etc done.

Final check-in: Oct 9th
Mods will post the final check-in form. Animators should have everything almost done.

Animators submit: Oct 17th
Animators should have their final projects submitted to the mods via email or Google Drive.

Editing: Oct 18 - Nov 14
Editors will work to put everything together.

Final: November 16
The final MAP will be posted online!

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If you have questions, feel free to contact any of us individually! You can also email us at [email protected] or DM us through twitter or tumblr.


Avid d20 fan and d20 fanartist. I did a spaghetti western animation final between a rock/paper/scissor so I’m uniquely qualified to moderate this project.


I’m a d&d enthusiast and artist, and my current favorite project is an acoc bubblegum bitch animatic!


i'm an animation student + i do digital art + you might know me from that acoc turn the lights off animatic! also, i love d&d.

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We have 21 animators currently working tirelessly on our project, and 5 editors! We thank everyone for their submissions and hard work.

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